Just Over the Fence

Just Over the Fence 12×12 oil

This is the view I see from my porch. I often sit out there, drinking coffee in the mornings when the weather cooperates. For several days I have been noticing the morning sun glinting off of the red horse trailer, surrounded by wild sunflowers against the overgrown summer greens. And even if it is the first day of summer and we are already hitting temps of close to 100, I sat under the porch shade and painted from 9 to 10 a.m.

Yes, I have things I need to get painted in the studio. But, this morning, painting en plein air became the priority. While I painted, I listened to the birds sing, felt the warmth of sunshine, and even detected a coyote pup barking somewhere in the brush. All of this was necessary to remind me of why I paint what I paint. A snippet of time, an hour actually, was recorded with colors of paint and a variety of textures to proclaim beauty, and wonder, and miracles that grow from seeds. And I never tire of examining and marveling at it – this natural world in which we live.

Just Over the Fence – 12×12 en plein air

This Moment of Happiness

Moment of Happiness
9×12 oil

This moment of Happiness was brought to you by the Septic Tank! Really!

Erma Bombeck said, “The grass is always greener over the septic tank.” Well, apparently sunflowers thrive there also. While I have volunteer sunflowers growing in several places in the yard, the best view of the flowers from the shade of the house is by the septic tank.

I had a lot of deep thoughts about this. Most of which have slipped away now that I’m inside. So, I’ll let you draw your own conclusions, based on your own life experience.

And while I was painting, despite the septic tank, there was a moment of happiness in the yellows reaching toward the light. Happy thoughts developed through an hour’s worth of paint meditation. Then, sings my soul!
