“September Skies”

September Skies
26×30 oil

Day 21 of 30 – This was a FULL day and I never picked up a paintbrush.  But I did present a program about my paintings.  And I did observe the “September Skies” as I came and went, thinking about how I would paint them.    This, one of my favorites, was painted several years ago.   I always notice clouds in September.  There is something about the way that the shadows get longer and crisper in September, something about the billowy look of the clouds as they float by, changing shapes as quickly as one realizes that summer is gone!    The change in the clouds and atmosphere each September reminds me of a day, thirty seven years ago today, when we stood in a hot cemetery for my mother’s funeral.  It was a sad season, with beautiful clouds overhead, clouds that surrounded me with comfort.   They still do, today.

Winter’s Night

Winter’s Night
18×34 Oil

Day 19 of 30 Day Challenge – I’ve been working on this one a few days.  I took a photo of a house, while in Blue Ridge. on a hot summer day.  And as I painted, the background evolved into this.  Why am I painting snow when it is 90 degrees outside?  Sometimes, Art happens.

Day 13 of 30 paintings: Once Upon A Time…

Once Upon A Time…
24×30 Oil

Once Upon A Time… (you complete the rest.)  Don’t you just love a Once Upon A Time story?  I used a photo from a trip in Mississippi to paint this.  There is just something surreal-looking about the landscape.  As I painted, I remembered being there on that summer day, breathing fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sun.  But now that it is finished, I can imagine the rest of the story… Once Upon A Time…

Standing in the Storm

Three Palms
9×12 oil

As I post Day 10 of the 30 Day Challenge, I’m pulling out a painting from last May.  All thoughts and prayers are directed to everyone in the path of Hurricane Irma.   And just as these palms stand strong in the Florida landscape, we pray that the spirits of Floridians and Georgians will stand strong during this storm.

Labor Day!

Melanie Stokes Art
“Labor Day”
11×14 Oil

Day Four of 30 paintings in 30 days –

“Labor Day”
11×14 Oil

I painted this one from a photo over several days.  (photo credit: Luke Stokes Photography)  During my 30 day challenge, my goal is to paint en plein air as much as possible.  But today, I’m taking a Labor Day Holiday!   I love the work ethic of these two munchkins.  Fall is in the air!




Tomorrow is the day I begin Leslie Saeta’s 30 Day Painting Challenge to paint 30 paintings in 30 days!  Now, this is not really as difficult as it seems to someone who is normally in her studio at least once a day.  But to have 30 paintings ready to post daily … that may be another matter.

So, if you follow me through this, please be kind!  Realize some may not be gallery-ready!  Some will only be studies.  Some may be unfinished pieces of studies.  But I plan to paint and post something every day.   Look for it.  Hold me accountable.  Help me grow.

Here is a link to the 30 in 30 Challenge, if you would like to join in!  Look at the map of artists from all over the world.   And there I am listed in Thomson, GA!!


Somebody’s Grandma Lived Here

This Old House
16×20 oil – SOLD

When I ride past an old house like this, I’m drawn to the image.  The architectural lines, the crumbling exterior, the welcoming porches, the trees framing and softening the landscape… And then my mind begins to imagine, “who lived here in days past?  how many children played in the yard?  did the family survive the hard times?  did someone remember to go back and visit?”

This old house is in Cadley, Georgia.  I don’t know anything about it, except the location.  I stopped to take a photo one morning simply because it was there in its worn, aged beauty.   Yet, to someone, somewhere, this house has meaning.  Someone’s Grandma probably lived here!

I have noticed, in recent days, some activity around this house that suggests renovation.  Oh, that we could look on all places and all people as something that has meaning to someone — something to respect and restore, to cherish, to ponder and to share.

Rise and Shine!

Rise and Shine!
16×20 oil

“Rise and Shine!”  (I remember my mama’s voice melodically calling me to wake up.)   “Rise and Shine” was the last thing I wanted to hear as a teenager.  But, it was a very positive call to alertness.  Mama said it with joy and happiness for the beginning of a new day!

I chose to paint this scene because of the light– “the heavenly sunlight flooding my soul with glory divine…”  I took the photo in the morning, while out early to enjoy the day.  I’m not the same sleepyhead that Mama had trouble waking up.  Now I enjoy seeing the sun rise,  seeing the light creep around corners of trees and cling to the edges of leaves,  seeing sunlight blanket the earth with a yellow-white glow.

Rise and Shine!  It’s another day to appreciate, and to be a light!

Building Castles

Building Castles

Have I mentioned that I’m a grandmother?  I have four grandchildren – two in my home state of Georgia, and two in Texas.  Recently, my Texan son and his family visited for a week.  What a joy to be able to spend time with them!  And part of that time was spent at the beach!

As I looked back through photos of the days, this one seemed like a good one to paint – father, mother, and both brothers, making memories as they built a MEGA sand castle.  No doubt, Luke was remembering the many sand castles his father and brother helped him build. (I could identify with my daughter-in-law’s stance as the one who was content to observe.)

As I painted, I thought about how they are not only building a castle, but building a family, building a home, building men, building memories, building life.  They are building a castle that lasts longer and is worth so much more than any castle they could ever build with sand — or bricks and mortar for that matter.  Parents are builders – it takes hard work and lots of time,  but so worth it!

“Stirring Up the Past”

Stirring Up the Past
16×20 Oil

As I stopped at this crossroads, I took a quick photo with my iPhone.  Something about the huge silhouette of the tree and house against the swirling sky demanded my attention.   Images don’t always speak to me fully until I begin painting them.  The process causes me to slow down and really look, so that my mind can ponder and analyze and make allegories while I paint.

I stirred and swirled the paint for the clouds.  I swished and scumbled the ruts in the dusty road.  I imagined a dusty truck, with big tires, wheeling past the stop sign, to turn left.  The wind whispered through the towering trees as I placed the pale yellow tops of weeds, reflecting sunlight from above.  And all the while there sat this dark form of a house in the middle of it all, oblivious to the movement around it, mysterious in its shroud of overgrown foliage.  It was an object of the past.  I imagined no one lived in it for years.

The phrase, “stirring up the past” popped into mind.  “STOP (as in the Stop sign) stirring up the past” kept floating in and out of my thoughts.  Just as the imaginary truck in this image did, I suppose I’m being encouraged to keep rolling on.  No need to stir up the past!  The dust will settle soon.